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July 26, 2013

10:00am                                                         Starbard Building

Members Present:  Rosemary Scully and James Dillon

  • Acceptance of minutes:  Approve minutes from May 20, 1913
  • FY14 Reval
Vision Government Solutions:  Residential and Commercial Real Estate
   Field Review has been completed, Sandra Schmucki, Project Manager
   Data entry is currently underway.
   Mike Tarello is scheduled to be here on August 2nd to complete analysis and
       updates to the data base/values.   Finalize for August 15th certification

Real Estate Research:   Personal Property
    Valerie Jackson and Jennifer Goodwin have completed site visits to the
       existing and new accounts.  Collecting and verifying data.
    Data entry and values currently being finalized at RRC, for the upcoming
       August 15th certification.

  • Abatements:
        Two properties were taken from the state in 2012.  Notification was delayed
             to the Assessors office.  The Board abated the real estate tax bills.   

         Map 4, Parcel 12                       Abate $1631.04  FY13
        Map 133, Parcel 49                     Abate $1025.18           FY14 preliminary

        Parcel to be deleted:  Vista Cir street acceptance, May 20, 2013 town meeting
        Map 238, Parcel 203            Abate $ 268.26            FY14 preliminary

        Supplemental Real Estate Tax:  FY2013-1
         Calculation incorrect:                Abate $567.65 total    10 property bills

  • New Construction:
New Single Family Homes:  January-June 2013             38
Miscellaneous Permits                                   200
        New Single Family:   January-December 2012              47
        Miscellaneous Permits                                   414

  • Sales:
Current sales and comparison to last year.  Sales have been strong this spring and up from this time last year.  

  • Exempt Property:
AVMF:  property sold, map 136 Parcel 22, removed from exempt for FY’14
Remaining parcel map 136, parcel 12, review to determine if part of sale, ownership

  • Project:
Sue Lucia will be scanning the town tax maps and downloading them into the
  Assessor Data Base.  Will allow for making copies in sizes other than full map
   size.  There are 255 maps in total.  The maps will be updated as needed based            .  on changes.

  • Training/Education
Rosemary Scully attended the Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers in June.   She will also attend the Annual School for three classes on August 5th and 6th in Amherst.

Janice Cross and Suzanne Lucia will attend the Clerk’s meeting on September 12th in Chelmsford.   They both attended the Spring Clerk’s meeting in West Boylston on May 22nd.  

      Meeting Adjourned:  11:30am

    Respectfully submitted: ____________________________

    Approved:     _____________________________________